Yes! Go to on your mobile browser and create a bookmark icon so you can easily come back.
Open the Tenzing™ folder where you want to store documents, files or photos and click on the “Choose Files” button. On your computer you will use the shift or control key function to highlight the selected files(s), click “Open”, then click on the Tenzing™ “Save” button. On your mobile device you will use the Select function and place a check mark on the files or folders you want to copy to a Tenzing™ folder. The time required to copy files will depend on the file sizes and your internet connection. It can take seconds or a couple of minutes.
Tenzing™ gives you unlimited personal storage up to 100 GB of data.
Your designee is the person you “designate” to view the contents of your folders but only after your death. They will never have access to the contents prior to that time. After your death this person can use the information to close accounts, transfer information, and communicate your wishes and more.
Yes, you may store information before selecting a designee. However, if you never select any designees, Everest will assume that you do not want the stored information accessed or used by anyone after your death.
We recommend that you add two designees. Both designees will have equal access rights to your account after your death. If something should happen to one of your designees and you forget to replace that person in your Tenzing™ file, the second designee ensures that someone will be able to access your account.
Your stored information will be retained for 10 years after your last update, and then it will be archived in a secure location, no longer available online.
After a Sr. Advisor confirms your death and your designee appropriately answers their security questions, your designee will be given a temporary profile providing them read-only access to your Tenzing™ account. How long your designee can access your account is coordinated by the Sr. Advisor working with the family at the time of need, however in most cases 48-hour access is adequate.
Call 1-800-913-8318 and ask to speak to an Everest Senior Advisor who will explain your options and assist you as needed.
You may submit a question or suggestion by email, or call 1-800-913-8318 and ask to speak to an Everest Advisor.